Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rosie Throws Her Weight Around Again

Rosie O'Donnell - who marks her 45th birthday Wednesday - decided to throw her weight around on Tuesday's episode of The View on ABC.

In a discussion of a film by RFK scion Rory Kennedy, Ghosts of Abu Gharib, the only conservative on the show - Elisabeth Hasselbeck - was about to challenge Kennedy on a key point. Big mouth Rosie jumped in to toss off one of her usual anti-American comments and then shouted Hasslebeck down.

Its bad enough that out of 4 or 5 hosts on the show, only one is not a liberal. Its even worse that an obnoxious slob like O'Donnell is allowed to shout her down.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Please! It is Elizabeth Hasselbeck who is obnoxious with her lack of logic and reality. If we must have someone from the right on, surely there is someone who does their homework. I suggest two from the right to go up against O'Donnell and Behar