Wednesday, March 28, 2007

More Edwards Spam for your Perusal

Dear Friend,

I was in Congress for 26 years and I've worked on a lot of campaigns, but I've never been so proud to be a part of one as I am right now. Because John, Elizabeth and you have created something incredible together. Our grassroots campaign for change is raising the bar for what leadership means in America—and it's strong enough to win.

As you probably know, this Saturday at midnight marks the first major fundraising deadline of this campaign—which means we have less than 96 hours to show that our campaign has the support and momentum we need to put our agenda in front of voters nationwide. This first test couldn't be more important.

If you've been waiting to plunk down your $50 until a truly critical moment—that moment has arrived. Your contribution of $25, $50 or any amount you can afford to give today will send a loud message that the American people are ready for change:

When I say "raising the bar for what leadership means" I'm not just blowing smoke. To fundamentally change the country, we've got to go where ordinary campaigns fear to tread. That means putting forward real, bold plans for the future. It means putting our hands and our voices to work right now in local communities and on the national stage. All this clarity means real accountability, which you don't see much of in American politics. But if we're serious about change, it's the only way to go.

Here's how we've done it so far:
  • Proposing transformational change for America and the world: John's plan for universal health care "set the standard for all the candidates with a specific proposal" (as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman put it). He's set out a plan to end the war in Iraq—starting now. He's offered a bold agenda for tackling extreme poverty at home and around the world. And last week, John announced a cutting-edge plan to halt global warming and create a new energy economy.

  • Raising our voice on the issues today: We aren't waiting until 2009 to push for the big changes we know our country needs. Over 130,000 of us signed up to oppose Bush's escalation and demand an end to the war in Iraq. We raised our voices against the outrage of inadequate health care for our service members and veterans. And we called on Congress to vote to raise the minimum wage—and they did.

  • Changing America right here and now: Through One Corps, thousands of us have gotten together to make our communities more energy efficient, volunteer in hospitals, serve those in need and gather grassroots support for the big goals we care about. And tonight, thousands of us will join in the first National John Edwards House Party Day to spread the word and grow our team.

You see why I'm so proud? In all my years in public life I've heard a lot of different people talk about change. But I've never seen someone at the national level walk the walk like John Edwards. That's why I know this campaign can really transform America—it's already begun.

But to keep our momentum going, we've got to have a strong showing for this Saturday's fundraising deadline. The press and the pundits will look at our fundraising numbers at the end of this week and ask: "Does the John Edwards campaign have what it takes to go the distance?"

You and I know the answer to that. This week, let's prove it to the world. Please chip in $50, $100, $25 or whatever you can afford to help us across the finish line today:

Thank you for taking action,

David Bonior
Campaign Manager
John Edwards for President

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