Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Obama "Commercial" Slams Hillary

In a confluence of next generation online guerrilla marketing and brilliant political advertising, an alleged supporter of Presidential candidate Barack Obama has put together a mash-up of Apple's infamous "1984" Macintosh Computer commercial that suggests if Hillary Clinton is victorious in her run for President, we indeed will be living in an Orwellian world.

Observant readers will notice that the producer used the 20th anniversary version of the commercial (debuted as part of Apple CEO Steve Jobs' annual presentation at MacWorld). This is noted by the iPod with ear buds the runner is wearing; which obviously didn't exist in 1984.

The Obama campaign denies responsibility for this ad. Considering the power of computers to create digital films and the reach of sites like YouTube to distribute them, I am sure this is not the last such campaign commercial we will see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this new Obama commercial
just saw it today


send it to friends it sends the point home - YOU WILL AGREE good going guys