Rusty Hammer, writing in the Business Perspective on the LA Chamber of Commerce's website makes an excellent case why the business community should support Governor Schwarzenegger's choice of Lesbian Democrat Susan Kennedy as his new Chief of Staff. Hammer notes her past experience on the California Public Utilities Commission and her ability to help the Governor bridge partisan waters in Sacramento as being ultimately good for business. We agree. Still, the blue-hair, gay chasing, caveman sect of Republicans is up in arms over the appointment and seemingly unwilling to support the Governor's move.
The California Republican Assembly (CRA), better known as the Taliban wing of the GOP in the Golden State, has gone to the extreme to call on the state party to reconsider its endorsement of Arnold in the 2006 GOP Primary. Please.
Arnold's the best thing to happen to our party in years. Do they want to blow it now? Sure lets yet again put up another Bill Jones-Bill Simon whatever and hand the Governor's seat to Phil Angelides. And while you're at it, lets give Cruz Bustamante a blank check at the buffet. Cause that's what will happen without Arnold. The Republican's only chance to succeed in California is to go back to the party's roots of smaller government, less taxes, personal freedom & responsibility and a strong national defense. Can we forgot about the gay marriage and stem cell crap?
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