Friday, July 15, 2005

Girly Man Arnold

Our Governor has disappointed this old, dead Mayor and has once again given into the toe tag, screaming liberals.

It was reported recently that Arnold had a deal with a few fitness and weightlifting magazines and is paid several million dollars over several years for consulting. This is something Arnold has done for years.

The grand dame of Northern California - Assemblywoman Jackie "I can't get any" Speier - howled and protested claming that Arnold's connections to these magazines colored his view on legislation she wrote in an attempt to regulate nutritional supplement use by high school athletes. Arnold vetoed the bill. Why is it liberal are always trying to get into people's personal lives anyway?

Arnold has dropped his ties to the magazines and will no longer receive compensation.

This was hardly a scandal. Its just more liberal haymaking because Arnold is the most effective threat the Republicans have had to date. They fear him, and they are out to take him down.

More so than any damn magazine Arnold gets paid to consult for, lets be more concerned about the impact of millions of dollars that Assemblywoman Speier takes from unions, doctors, insurance companies, auto body shops, Laidlaw Transit (one of the biggest providers of public transit services in California and recipient of millions in government funds), etc. I find this more troubling than Arnold's magazines.

And further troubling is the thousands of dollars in consulting fees that Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez receives from an employee union organization. Why isn't anyone talking about that?

The bottom line is that most liberals are intellectually dishonest and Arnold and the Republicans must fight back.

Otherwise, he might as well just go back home to Santa Monica and forget the game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, after all the television ads against Governor Arnold S+13 and his budget agreeableness with the Legislature wethevoters still have to pick up the check for the "Special Election" in november. The same basic problems are going to be there when Arnoldwalks away from re-election due to his wife's insistance that he spend more time with the family.
Steve Lee