Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Game Plan for Hillary

Yes indeed, Hilary is getting ready for a run in 2008. Part of that is a need to shed her liberal image, which as this article notes is somewhat an exaggeration given her record. Next step is to install a friendly face such as former Clinton White House aide Harold Ickes as the head of the DNC. However, she will have to vanquish the notion that John Kerry has that he could come back for a second try at the nomination, as well even the idea that a Senator only four years into his first term - Barack Obama - could jump in at the chance of being America's first African American President. She probably shouldn't worry too much about John Edwards' claim as heir apparent - he has about as much of a shot as Kerry at getting the nomination.

As the lunacy lingers, our final dispatch comes from none other that former Clintonista and now Clinton hater Dick Morris. He envisions a Hilary vs. Condoleeza race in 2008 which presents some interesting possibilities.

To those who have poo pooed the idea that Hillary could win the White House, I have pointed to the millions of Oprah watching "desperate" housewives, spurned women and others who love Hillary. All she has to do is go on Oprah, The View, etc. and make her pitch. However, with Condoleeza in the race - as an African American woman - all those bets could be off.

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